Clairaudience meaning in hindi

Shweta K
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नमस्कार दोस्तों आज के इस आर्टिकल में हम Clairaudience – आय हेट यू का हिन्दी मतलब में सीखेंगे Clairaudience में क्या होता है उदाहरण के साथ इस आर्टिकल में हम जानेंगे

Clairaudience meaning in hindi
Clairaudience meaning in hindi

Clairaudience meaning in hindi

  • अन्तर्ज्ञान शक्ति
  • दूरस्पर्श शक्ति
  • दूरदृष्टि
  • आत्मज्ञानी
  • आत्मस्पर्शी

Clairaudience meaning in English

power to receive messages or sounds from distant or spiritual sources.

What is Clairaudience

“Clairaudience” is a term used in the field of psychic and spiritual phenomena to describe the ability to perceive sounds or voices from the spiritual realm or from beyond the physical world. In Hindi, it can be translated as “दूरस्पर्श शक्ति” or “अन्तर्ज्ञान शक्ति” which means the power to receive messages or sounds from distant or spiritual sources.

Clairaudience is considered a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and is believed to be a gift that can be developed through meditation, spiritual practices, and other techniques. People who possess this ability are known as “clairaudients” and can receive messages or guidance from spiritual beings, angels, deceased loved ones, or other sources beyond the physical realm.

Pronunciation Clairaudience

pronunciation in English – क्लेइरॉडियन्स’

pronunciation in Hindi – ‘क्लेइरॉडियन्स ‘

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Synonyms Clairaudience

Synonyms in hindiअन्तर्ज्ञान शक्ति
दूरस्पर्श शक्ति
Synonyms in EnglishAuditory perception
Extrasensory perception
Psychic hearing
Spiritual hearing
Sixth sense

Clairaudience Example – उदाहरण

ध्यान सत्र के दौरान, मानसिक माध्यम ने एक मृतक प्रियजन से उसकी दूरदर्शिता के माध्यम से एक संदेश प्राप्त किया, जिससे उसके मन में उनकी आवाज की आवाज सुनाई दे रही थी।During the meditation session, the psychic medium received a message from a deceased loved one through her clairaudience, hearing the sound of their voice speaking to her in her mind.
दूरदृष्टि वाले कुछ लोग संगीत, गायन, या यहां तक ​​कि आकाशीय ध्वनियों को सुनने की सूचना देते हैं जिन्हें अन्य लोग नहीं देख सकते।Some people with clairaudience report hearing music, singing, or even celestial sounds that others cannot perceive.
दूरदर्शी बच्चे ने दावा किया कि उसने एक देवदूत की आवाज सुनी है जिसने उसे एक खतरनाक स्थिति से बाहर निकाला।The clairaudient child claimed to have heard the voice of an angel who guided her out of a dangerous situation.


Clairaudience meaning in hindi


Clairaudience meaning in English

power to receive messages or sounds from distant or spiritual sources.

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