Squall hail meaning in hindi

Shweta K
By -

Squall hail meaning in hindi : आज जानेंगे Squall Hail का मतलब हिन्दी मे उदाहरन के साथ ।

Squall hail meaning in Hindi


भारी बर्फबारी

तूफानी बर्फबारी

अचानक बर्फबारी

Squal meaning

>>तूफानी हवा

squall” refers to a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or hail. It is a brief and intense period of strong wind that typically occurs during a storm.

Squalls can be characterized by their rapid onset, short duration, and abrupt changes in weather conditions. They are commonly associated with thunderstorms, winter storms, or tropical cyclones.

Hailstorm in Hindi meaning

>>मुसलधार बारिश

>>भारी बारिश

Synonyms of Squall hail

hailstorm with strong winds

thunderstorm with hail

Squall hail meaning in English

“Squall hail” refers to a combination of strong wind and hail

hail meaning

>> ओला / बर्फ बारी

Squall hail example Sentence

अचानक आने वाली तूफ़ानी बर्फ़ानी ने बीमार बारिश के साथ शोरगुल मचा दिया।

“The sudden squall hail brought heavy rainfall and created chaos and commotion.”

ओलावृष्टि meaning in english

ओलावृष्टि meaning in english is “hailstorm”

Hailstorm meaning in Hindi

Hailstorm meaning in Hindi – तुफ़ानी बारिश , भारी भरिश

Squall hail meaning in hindi

Squall hail meaning in hindi -ओल वृष्टि , अचानक तूफान बर्फबारी

Squall meaning

squall” refers to a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or hail. It is a brief and intense period of strong wind that typically occurs during a storm.

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