Scapegoat meaning in Hindi

Shweta K
By -

scapegoat meaning in hindi : scapegoat का हिन्दी इंग्लिश मे मतलब उदाहरण के साथ जानेंगे ।

scapegoat meaning in Hindi

>>बली का बकरा

>> करे दूसरा भरे तीसरा

>> बली देने वाला भेड़

>>दूसरों की ग़लती के लिए दंडित व्यक्ति

उदाहरण – Example Sentence

scapegoat meaning in a sentence

>> He made Naresh the scapegoat for his mistake.

>>उसने नरेश को बलीका बकरा बना दिया।

>> When there were some discrepancies in the project, the company made a poor employee the scapegoat by ignoring all the mistakes.

>> जब परियोजना में कुछ गड़बड़ी हुई, तो कंपनी ने सभी गलतियों को नजरअंदाज करके एक गरीब कर्मचारी को बलि का बकरा बना दिया।

scapegoat synonyms

  • Fall guy
  • Patsy
  • Whipping boy
  • Sacrificial lamb
  • Blame target
  • Scapegoated
  • Guilt offering

scapegoat meaning in english

a person or thing that is blamed or punished for the mistakes or wrongdoing of others.

spiritual meaning of the scapegoat

the scapegoat holds symbolic significance, It originates from the biblical concept found in Leviticus 16:8-10, where a goat was chosen to bear the sins of the community and symbolically carry them away into the wilderness. The spiritual meaning of the scapegoat can be interpreted in various ways:

  1. Symbol of Atonement: The scapegoat represents the process of forgiveness By transferring the sins or burdens onto the scapegoat, it symbolizes the act of releasing guilt, cleansing and seeking reconciliation with a higher power
  2. Shadow Integration: The scapegoat can also represent the integration of one’s shadow self or darker aspects of personality. It symbolizes the acknowledgement, acceptance and transformation of one’s own flaws, mistakes,and negative traits
  3. Self-Sacrifice and Surrender: The scapegoat can symbolize the act of self-sacrifice and surrendering one’s ego or personal desires for the greater good.
  4. Catharsis and Release: The scapegoat ritual may serve as a means of catharsis allowing individuals or communities to release emotional burdens, guilt or negative energies.

i am not your scapegoat meaning

the person is asserting that they will not allow themselves to be blamed or made responsible for someone else’s mistakes or wrongdoings

scapegoat meaning in english

a person or thing that is blamed or punished for the mistakes or wrongdoing of others.

scapegoat meaning in Hindi

>>बली का बकरा

scapegoat meaning

a person or thing that is blamed or punished for the mistakes or wrongdoing of others.

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