Whataboutery meaning in hindi

Whataboutery meaning in hindi – व्हाटबाउटरी शब्द का अर्थ

>> दूसरे पक्ष पे आरोप करना और बीती बातों का हवाला देना

>> बार-बार दूसरे पक्ष को दोष देने और अतीत से घटनाओं का जिक्र

>> बार बार किसिपे आरोप करना और जुनी गलतिया का हवाला देना

>> ध्यान हटाने का प्रयास करना

Whataboutery meaning English

“making allegations on the other side and referring to past incidents.”

>>trying to divert attention

These phrases capture the idea of shifting the focus away from the main topic, which is what whataboutery often involves.

Example –

“When the two politicians debated, instead of addressing the current issues, they engaged in a lot of making allegations on the other side and referring to past incidents, which didn’t lead to any productive discussion.”

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